Thinking of upgrading your home’s hot water system? You’ve probably come across heat pump hot water systems, and it’s no wonder they’re gaining so much attention. But are they really worth it? In this guide, we’ll walk you through what makes them unique, their pros and cons, and the best brands you can choose in Australia.
A heat pump hot water system warms your water by pulling heat from the surrounding environment. Think of it as a refrigerator working in reverse: instead of employing gas or electric elements to produce heat, it uses the air and its temperature.
A heat pump hot water system uses an evaporator, compressor, condenser, and expansion valve for heat transfer. It draws in warm air, heats the refrigerant, compresses it, and sends heat to water. The cycle then continues as the refrigerant cools. In other words, heat pumps do not generate heat but circulate it. This makes it a perfect option when it comes to energy savings.
Heat pump systems are very efficient. This high efficiency means that for every unit of energy used, a heat pump can produce several units of heating output. Because of that, they provide up to 3 times more efficiency than regular electric heaters.
The major disadvantage of a heat pump is that it is more costly to buy and install than other heating systems. However, the possible savings on your energy bills make it a wise long-term investment.
Heat pump systems are more environmentally friendly than other systems because they emit less greenhouse gases. If you want to reduce the amount of carbon emissions your home produces, then a heat pump is the best option.
Heat pump systems can operate in any climate, hot or cold. Some heat pumps have other functions, such as a cooling mode, which makes them work as air conditioners.
Heat pump systems can last up to 15 years with simple care and maintenance. Since they do not have heating elements that need to be replaced frequently, they offer great long-term value for your investment.
Heat pump hot water systems cost more than conventional systems in terms of unit and hot water system installation costs. However, the ongoing savings on energy bills can offset this cost in the long run.
Heat pumps work by drawing heat from the air, so they are less effective in colder climates. Some models come with an electric booster to address this problem, but this can raise the running expense.
Heat pump systems need enough space for air to circulate. This might not be an ideal option if your home does not have enough indoor or outdoor space.
The heat pump's compressor and fan can generate noise during operation. Fortunately, many modern models are quieter than earlier models. Still, it’s something to keep in mind, particularly if you can’t avoid putting the unit in the living space.
Now that you are convinced that a heat pump is suitable for your home, the next question is;
which is the best heat pump hot water system in Australia? Here are some options:
So, are heat pump hot water systems really worth it? It all depends on what you consider to be important. For many households, the answer is yes. If you want a green and efficient way of heating and cooling your home that will also pay off in the future, a heat pump system is a great idea.
However, if you have a small budget or live in an area where it is extremely cold during the winter, you might consider other alternatives. For those really cold days, you may also want to consider having an electric booster.
Choosing the right heat pump hot water system in Australia is a decision that impacts your comfort and your pocket. If you’re thinking of making the switch, getting professional advice is recommended. Luckily, at Ausco Plumbing, you can find the best hot water plumbers from Newcastle and Lake Macquarie.
Contact us today and get a quote to install your heat pump hot water system!